
Friday, 4 April 2014

180 days - the blog


This blog is created to share my personal experience on what it takes to become an Iron Man... in only 180 days... and without any relevant experience. Yep, it's crazy...

Over the years, I have had an amazing respect for the 'real' athletes that push their limits and make the impossible possible. Such an inspiration is Marc Herremans. For this reason, I believe his training center is the best fit to help me achieve my goal. Let's be honest, this is not something you can do all yourself in 180 days.

I realize it will be very tough: I never rode more as 50km on a race bike, was not able to swim any crawl since 2 years ago and never ran more as 20km.

During the week I work as a consultant at Delaware Consulting, a challenging & amazingly interesting job. To make efficient training possible, I am very grateful they allowed me to work a bit less to focus on what for me is currently very important in life.

I will need all your support, coaching, encouragement & love to make this happen! Let's do this!

Target set: Mallorca 27/09/2014. GO!!

1 comment:

  1. David, go go go! u have our support and loooove :D
